
Holiday office hours

📅Office hours update!

This week we’re celebrating 2 holidays in Estonia: Victory Day and Midsummer Day.
Tomorrow we’re open till 13:30 (Estonian time) and on Friday we’re closed!

Happy holidays!

Contact our managers for any urgent matters:

+372 3566320

Meeting room renovation

Meeting room renovation

We are excited to show you our new cozy meeting room!

We have incorporated three different types of decor to create a unique space.

Firstly, we added a plain white textile from our Descor range to one wall as a screen for a projector.

In the middle of the room, we placed an art print on a special acoustic textile that summarizes our company’s products and services. This acoustic textile improves sound quality, which is essential for meeting rooms.

Finally, a luminous wall with a semi-translucent film and a print serves as both a decorative element and a functional light source.

Additionally, the light fixtures on the ceiling are custom-made, one-of-a-kind compositions created by our lighting solutions team. They were specifically designed to match the perimeter of the table and the lines on the print of the luminous wall. These compositions can be repeated and customized according to your design ideas!

Contact us to learn more about our interior design solutions!

+372 3566320

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